This page is all about how this site (and related services) uses your private information. 

Foremost, this site uses Google Adsense program to display relevant ads on its web-pages. Likewise, Google uses your (private) information to serve better ads to you abiding by its own terms and conditions and privacy policy. The ads displayed by Googe's Ad Network are in accord with the privacy policy for Google ads. Google uses the DoubleClick DART cookie to serve ads to users based on their preferences and visits to other sites on the Internet. However, you may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the advertising opt-out page. Also please note that these privacy policies may change from time to time and it is your duty to remain updated with them.

Further, we use Google's Webmasters Tools and Analytics tools to collect certain demographic data and metrics regarding visits, page-views, and activities undertaken at our site.  These data per se does not identify any individual and the information collected are in accordance with Google's own terms and conditions and privacy policy. These details are used to improve the user experience at our site. 

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